Declaration templates for GUR ZUR IUR PUR
Application for conclusion of a participation agreement and granting the status of trade repository participant
(pdf 129,29 KB)
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Application for access to the test environments
(pdf 92,67 KB)
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Cancellation of authorization to access KDPW application
(docx 54,73 KB)
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Specimen signature card*
(docx 25,83 KB)
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DECLARATION authorising the use of electronic invoices
(docx 28,00 KB)
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* the requirement to deliver a card of sample signatures applies only to the Entity which has the right to represent the applicant where it does not arise from the documents referred to in §4 paragraph 3, point 1, i.e. an extract from the relevant register
Declaration templates for KUR
Other documents
Declaration by the general reporting participant on trade / position reporting
(pdf 91,37 KB)
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Declaration by the general reporting participant in the derivatives trade repository on cancellation of the declaration on reporting high volumes of trades
(pdf 89,80 KB)
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Declaration on the termination of the derivatives trade repository participation agreement
(pdf 89,08 KB)
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Application for change of the participation type in the derivatives trade repository
(pdf 98,61 KB)
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