Fees for the issuance and maintenance of ISIN, CFI, FISN depends on whether or not the issuer holds an LEI. This is because the verification of issuers who hold no LEI takes more time as it requires manual verification of the issuer’s details by KDPW. Such issuers are verified based on the tax identifier (NIP). Issuers which do hold an LEI are issued identifiers automatically.
Fees charged to issuers who hold an LEI:
- issuance of ISIN, CFI, FISN and year 1 of validity: PLN 180 net
- maintenance of ISIN, CFI, FISN in year 2 and beyond: PLN 120 net
Fees charged to issuers who hold no LEI:
- issuance of ISIN, CFI, FISN and year 1 of validity: 400 PLN net
- maintenance of ISIN, CFI, FISN in year 2 and beyond: 200 PLN net