12 February 2024

​The KDPW Trade Repository is 10 years old

​The KDPW Trade Repository is 10 years old - KDPW
On February 12, 2014, the obligation to report derivatives trades to trade repositories came into force under the EMIR regulation. It also happened to be the first day of business for the KDPW Trade Repository (KDPW TR). Later, on July 13, 2020, following the introduction of the SFTR regulation, the reporting obligation was extended additionally to cover securities financing transactions.
On the day the KDPW Trade Repository first opened for business, 267,000 reports were submitted, in relation to over 112,000 trades. The record holder sent in over 69,000 reports.
- Over the course of 10 years, KDPW TR has received 6.6 billion reports relating to 2 billion trades. A decade ago, KDPW TR started with 73 participants. There are currently 280 participants in the KDPW Trade Repository, including 40 foreign members – said Maciej Trybuchowski, President &CEO of KDPW.
Preparations for the launch of the trade repository lasted several months, in order to meet all the formal, legal and technological requirements set out in EU regulations. KDPW TR was one of the first trade repositories in Europe to be registered by ESMA in November 2013. KDPW is also authorised by ESMA as an EU trade repository under SFTR and by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as an approved reporting mechanism (ARM) under MiFID2/MiFIR.
KDPW TR is part of the KDPW Group, which has 30 years of proven experience providing post-trade services for the capital market in Poland - central Europe’s biggest economy – and throughout the EU.
The KDPW Group comprised of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych (Central Securities Depository of Poland) and the clearing house KDPW_CCP provides a complementary package of state-of-the-art services for financial market players: banks, brokers, investment and pension funds, issuers of securities, businesses.
Over the years, operating in an evolving market and regulatory environment, the KDPW Group has developed a complementary package of services which address today’s needs of the most advanced financial hubs, had its services authorised, and successfully expanded with its offering beyond Poland.