Change archive

Changes that came into effect from:

Amendments that came into effect on 28 February 2025,

approved in Resolution No. 101/2025  of 30 January 2025.

Detailed Rules of Operation 18.11.2024 - 27.02.2025

Amendments that came into effect on 18 November 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 1079/2024 of 4 November 2024.

The amendments are technical details that relate to the definitions of two types of operations described in Appendix No 2 to the KDPW Detailed Rules and are connected to the planned introduction of a new type of transaction to the regulated market and alternative trading system: share buy-outs.

Detailed Rules of Operation 21.10.2024 - 17.11.2024

Amendments that came into effect on 21 October 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 958/2024 of 30 September 2024
amended by Resolution No. 1301/2024 of 30 December 2024*

The amendments mainly concern gaining access to KDPW’s online applications available on the Service Portal The amendments impose an obligation on participants to appoint a permission administrator responsible for managing the participant’s access (in the case of direct participants - for all types of activity and all types of participation status under which they operate in the depository system) to KDPW’s web applications assigned to one of the three separate groups of services set out in the Detailed Rules of Operation of KDPW.
Only the permission administrator may grant other persons any access permissions currently assigned to the two existing access functions: the user function and the administrator function, in respect of the individual applications covered by a group of services. Participants will be required to appoint at least one person as a permission administrator for each group of applications covering at least one application to which they should have access.
Furthermore, the rules for accessing the Benefit Payment application will be amended for issuers which are closed-end investment funds. At this time, each fund gets separate access to the Benefit Payment application, even if it acts through the same person who has been authorised to access this application on behalf of other funds managed and represented by the same investment fund management company. Under the new access rules, closed-end investment funds acting as issuers will access the Benefit Payment application through persons appointed by the investment fund management company duly authorised to represent them, and such persons will get access to these applications enabling them to act on behalf of all funds managed and represented by that company. Consequently, a group of investment funds managed and represented by the same company will appoint a common permission administrator referred to above for the applications covered by the group of services attributed to closed-end investment funds acting as issuer.
The other amendments include:
1/ adding a provision which sets out the hours for receipt by KDPW S.A. of correspondence sent to KDPW S.A. by electronic mail;
2/ clarification of the provisions concerning the rules followed by KDPW S.A. when processing redemptions of bonds executed after their maturity (pursuant to Article 8(6) and (7) of the Bond Act);
3/ adding a new operation code (no. 19) in Appendix 2 in order to address the proposal of the S&R NMPG.

*The amendment extends the transitional period set out in § 2(2) of the resolution, allowing closed-end investment funds to access the Corporate Actions application, until 10 February 2025. 

Detailed Rules of Operation 16.09.2024 - 20.10.2024

Amendments that came into effect on 16 September 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 849/2024 of 29 August 2024.

Amendments relate to provisions introduced to support shareholder loyalty programs operated by listed companies.

Detailed Rules of Operation 08.07.2024 - 15.09.2024

Amendments that came into effect on 8 July 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 608/2024 of 24 June 2024.

The amendments that have been introduced in particular adapt the provisions of the KDPW Rules to the recently introduced changes to the Law on Trading in Financial Instruments, introduce a new type of activity and types of participation aimed at banks managing securities accounts or omnibus securities accounts in accordance with Article 70 section 2 item 4 of this Law, extend the composition of the User Committee to include a representative of the chamber of commerce of fund and asset managers, define the rules for processing the payment of benefits and fees applicable to banking derivative rights, and also relate to various aspects of electronic communication with participants.

Amendments that came into effect on 31 May 2024,

approved in Resolution 460/2024 of the KDPW Management Board of 16 May 2024.

The amendments in particular relate to the processing of requests from closed-end investment funds or investment fund companies to disclose information enabling the identification of participants of such funds and determining the number of investment certificates they hold, using KDPW as intermediary. The amendments also partially relate to new disclosure obligations, which, on the basis of Article 7c of the Law on Trading in Financial Instruments, will be imposed on issuers of bonds, mortgage bonds or investment certificates, as well as on issue agents.

Detailed Rules of Operation 01.01.2024 - 30.05.2024

Amendments that came into effect on 1 January 2024*,

approved in Resolution No. 1042/2023 of the KDPW Management Board of 6 November 2023.

The amendments relate to:
  • The defininition of the rules for the processing of identification requests of shareholders of listed companies by KDPW in instances where shareholder data are not collected using KDPW as intermediary.

* The approved amendments to the KDPW Detailed Rules of Operation entered into force in three separate phases:
  • The amendments relating to the autumn IT implementation window came into effect on 20 November 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the shortening of the minimum time that may elapse between Day D and Day W came into effect on 1 December 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the processing of identification requests of shareholders of listed companies came into effect on 1 January 2024.
Detailed Rules of Operation 1.12.2023 - 31.12.2023

Amendments that came into effect on 1 December 2023*,

approved in Resolution No. 1042/2023 of the KDPW Management Board of 6 November 2023.

The amendments relate to:
  • The shortening to two business days of the minimum time that may elepse between the record date (Day D) and the payment date (Day W).

* The approved amendments to the KDPW Detailed Rules of Operation will enter into force in three separate phases:
  • The amendments relating to the autumn IT implementation window came into effect on 20 November 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the shortening of the minimum time that may elapse between Day D and Day W came into effect on 1 December 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the processing of identification requests of shareholders of listed companies will come into effect on 1 January 2024.
Detailed Rules of Operation 20.11.2023 - 30.11.2023

Amendments that came into effect on 20 November 2023*,

approved in Resolution No. 1042/2023 of the KDPW Management Board of 6 November 2023.

The amendments relate in particular to the autumn IT implementation window and involve the following improvements:
  • The introduction of the hold-release mechanism for cross-system securities transfers,
  • The ability to change the system where transaction settlement is to be processed following matching of the relevant settlement instructions, and
  • Aligning corporate action processing by issuers to AMI-SeCo standards.
Moreover the amendments also relate to:
  • The shortening to two business days of the minimum time that may elepse between the record date (Day D) and the payment date (Day W), and
  • The defininition of the rules for the processing of identification requests of shareholders of listed companies by KDPW in instances where shareholder data are not collected using KDPW as intermediary.

* The approved amendments to the KDPW Detailed Rules of Operation will enter into force in three separate phases:
  • The amendments relating to the autumn IT implementation window will come into effect on 20 November 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the shortening of the minimum time that may elapse between Day D and Day W will come into effect on 1 December 2023,
  • The amendments relating to the processing of identification requests of shareholders of listed companies will come into effect on 1 January 2024.
Detailed Rules of Operation 31.05.2023 - 19.11.2023

Amendments that came into force on 31 May 2023

adopted by Resolution No. 409/2023 of the KDPW Management Board of 17 May 2023
Amendments that came into force on 8 May 2023
approved in Resolution no. 339/2023 of the KDPW Management Board of 24 April 2023.
The amendments relate to the processing of debit caps, referred to in § 84 of the KDPW Rules, as well as mandatory buyout of shares of non-public companies. Amendments relating to debit caps involve the deadline for their notification and create the requirement for such limits to be introduced by participants acting as payment banks via a dedicated system message. Implementation of the above changes regarding debit caps are planned for May 6-7 this year, as part of the spring IT implementation window. Furthermore, the changes regarding the mandatory buyout of shares of non-public companies consist of adding revised provisions in § 109a, which define the procedures for processing such buyouts in the depository system.
Detailed Rules of Operation 3.04.2023 - 7.05.2023
Amendments that came into force on 3 April 2023
approved in Resolution No 222/2023 of March 10, 2023 of the KDPW Management Board.
The amendments specify the rules for using offsetting accounts and change the payment deadline for fines charged for failure to perform timely settlement, starting with the fines charged for March 2023.
Detailed rules of KDPW 01.02.2023 - 02.04.2023
Amendments that entered into force on 1 February 2023
adopted in Resolution No 60/2022 of the KDPW Management Board of 18 January 2022.
The amendments relate to the introduction of the requirement for participants to keep securities accounting records using IT systems.
Detailed rules of KDPW 01.12.2022 - 31.01.2023
Amendments that came into force on December 1st, 2022
Resolution No. 958/2022 of the KDPW Management Board of 21 October 2022 on amendments to the KDPW Detailed Rules of Operation.
detailed information
Detailed Rules 05.11.2022 - 30.11.2022