KDPW Rules

valid as of 31 May 2024

Amendments that will come into effect on 8 July 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 30/1009/24 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 13 December 2023  amended by resolution No. 20/1029/24 of 17 April 2024.

Change archive

Changes that came into effect from:

Amendments that came into effect on 31 May 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 1/1010/24 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 28 February 2024.

The amendments in particular relate to the processing of requests from closed-end investment funds or investment fund companies to disclose information enabling the identification of participants of such funds and determining the number of investment certificates they hold, using KDPW as intermediary. The amendments also partially relate to new disclosure obligations, which, on the basis of Article 7c of the Law on Trading in Financial Instruments, will be imposed on issuers of bonds, mortgage bonds or investment certificates, as well as on issue agents.

KDPW Rules 01.01.2024 - 30.05.2024

Amendments that came into effect on 1 January 2024,

approved in Resolution No. 25/1004/23 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 20 September 2023.

These amendments relate to fees charged by KDPW.

KDPW Rules 31.05.2023 - 31.12.2023

Amendments that came into force on 31 May 2023

adopted by Resolution No. 14/993/23 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 15 March 2023
Amendments that entered into force on 20 March 2023, the date of launch of the new TARGET system, 
adopted in Resolution No 31/973/22 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 14 September 2022.

Amendments that entered into force on 1 January 2023: adopted in Resolution No 30/972/22 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 14 September 2022 

Amendments that entered into force on 10 February 2022

adopted in Resolution No 49/936/21 of the KDPW Supervisory Board of 8 October.
The introduced amendments related in particular to:
1 / the easing of certain formal requirements relating to documents that should be appended to applications submitted to KDPW by participants or entities applying for participation;
2 / the introduction of additional control mechanisms to prevent the risk of introducing securities to the depository, the registration of which would first require the notification procedure, referred to in Art. 23 of CSDR, to be initiated;
3 / the update of provisions relating to the special procedure for introducing shares and subscription warrants issued before March 1, 2021, to the depository;
4 / rules for settlement of payment between KDPW and a direct participant making an incoming intersystem transfer of securities from a foreign CSD, in the event that a foreign CSD has settled the so-called market claims related to this transfer.