Rules for paid access to KDPW Group reference data and statistics

Change archive

Changes that came into effect from:
Changes that came into effect from June 28, 2024
adopted by Resolution No. nr 565/2024  of the KDPW Management Board dated 13 June 2024.

Changes include:
  • Introducing the possibility of redistributing reference and statistical data purchased by a KDPW client to other entities,
  • Launch of two new types of licenses allowing for data redistribution, understood as the right to distribute the database or any part thereof, including individual data included in the database, as well as studies derived from data made available by KDPW. Distribution of data within the capital group and the so-called open redistribution, i.e. dissemination of data to any entity. The terms of service for the current personal use license type will remain unchanged. With the implementation of new licenses, we will launch two new reports: 'General Meetings' and 'Series of issues registered in KDPW'. Moreover, the 'Corporate Events' report will be extended with additional information data.

Due to the implementation of new solutions necessary changes were made to the Resolution specifying the fee rates - resolution No. 566/2024 of June 13, 2024.

Rules for paid access to KDPW group reference data and statistics by KDPW - 16.05.2022 - 27.06.2024

Changes that entered into force on January 1, 2024

adopted by Resolution No. 887/2023 of the KDPW Management Board dated 26 September 2023

Resolution No. 887/2023 has approved new fees for providing reference and statistical data within the KDPW Data Portal.