Changes that entered into effect from 29 April 2024
adopted by Resolution No. 362/2024 of the KDPW Management Board dated 9 April 2024Changes in the ARM Rules directly result from adapting the EMIR TR Rules to the EMIR REFIT Regulation, as a result of which it will no longer be possible to send, in reports on derivative transactions submitted to the EMIR TR, an extended scope of information resulting from the MiFIR Regulation, which allowed simultaneous compliance with reporting obligations under both EMIR and MiFIR regimes. Consequently, provisions regulating the following will be withdrawn from the ARM Rules:
- the possibility for participants in an EMIR TR to provide extended details of derivatives transactions (by providing the fields required under the MIFIR Regulation) in their A2A communication with the system,
- the option to submit transaction reports to the ARM system using the EMIR TR U2A interface provided via the services portal.