Test environments - KDPW

Test environments

Rules of access to test environments

KDPW provides access to the test environments, both in the U2A model and the A2A model. Access to the test environments for participants, entities seeking participation and IT vendors is free of charge.

The test environment is an environment which mirrors the current version of the KDPW system, made available for the purpose of software compatibility testing, or an additional environment for the testing of new functionalities developed by KDPW or new versions of functionalities available in the system. The application test environment does not have to be fully compatible with the production environment currently provided by KDPW.

KDPW does not ensure that changes are made to adapt the test environment to the specific requirements of participants or non-participants.

Access to the test environments provides support for KDPW services by allowing users to understand and adapt to the technical and organisational requirements associated with participation in these services.
KDPW does not provide 24/7 access to the test environments and may impose technical interruptions in access to the test environments.

An entity which is a participant in a KDPW service gets access to the test environment of that service based on the institution code issued to it as part of its participation. An entity which is not a participant in a KDPW service should get an institution code in accordance with the procedure described below in order to access the test environment.

Two types of test environment are offered:
  • The EDU environment is an educational test environment where participants can test KDPW services in a version compatible with the status of the production environment. By definition, this environment is educational in nature and is made available to participants and software developers of participants of KDPW services in order to test the compatibility of their own software with the software provided operationally by KDPW.
  • The TST environment is a test environment designed to conduct tests of new services and new or modified features of services released in production. This environment is used by KDPW for in-house testing and testing with participants as part of development work. The TST environment is also available to entities developing software for participants in KDPW services.
For each of its services, KDPW may establish dedicated rules for the test environments, including the possibility of using mechanisms for feeding test data to the environments. The availability of the test environments may be temporarily limited depending on work carried out in the services and the environments.

Access to test environments for KDPW participants
KDPW participants are provided with access to the test environments of KDPW systems under their participation agreements.
The rules for accessing and handling communications in the test environments are the same as those in place in the production environment.

Access includes both the U2A and A2A interfaces.

In the case of the U2A interface, after obtaining the KDPW participant status, it is possible to submit access requests to the test environments of the applications provided in the Service Portal using the same attributes (institution code, LEI) that are required in the production environment.

Each environment has its own dedicated access point:
  each of which is accessed using a single access account.

The test environments are independent, which means that separate authorisation is required for each environment.

In A2A communication, the participant can access both the production and the test environments (TST, EDU).
Communication with the test environments of KDPW services in the A2A model takes place via test communication channels, independent for the TST and EDU test environments.

Authentication to communication channels is based on test electronic certificates, where a test certificate issued to an institution code allows the participant to establish access to both test environments.

Test certificates are issued using the production application A2A Certificates (TST and EDU test environments are not available for this application). The application allows to download certificates for the production and test environments.
Access to test environments for entities that are not KDPW participants
Non-participants (entities seeking participation or participants’ IT vendors) may access the KDPW test environments as described below.

How to get access?

Step 1:  Access request for test environments
To get access to the test environments of KDPW systems, the entity seeking access should submit a request in accordance with the KDPW template.
The request is made once, irrespective of how many services the entity intends to access. The request provides the basis for access of the entity to the test environments of the various services, in particular to issuing institution codes under which the entity will be identified in the services.

Step 2:  Acceptance of the request by KDPW
Information on the acceptance of the request by KDPW will be sent to the entity's email address provided in the request.
KDPW may refuse access without giving any reason.

Step 3: Getting the institution code
If the request is accepted by KDPW, the entity may request KDPW to issue the institution code(s) under which communication with the KDPW systems will be established.
The code is issued in the context of the particular business service for which the entity intends to conduct testing and the type of activity which the entity will be performing. For this purpose, the entity should contact the KDPW organisational unit responsible for the service.

Step 4:  Establishing a connection in a communication interface (U2A and/or A2A)
After getting the institution code, the entity can get access to individual services.
In the case of the U2A interface, it is possible to submit access requests to web applications in the Service Portal using the access account. The person requesting access in the role of user should have the authorisation of the entity on whose behalf he/she is requesting to communicate directly with KDPW. When requesting access in the role of administrator (permission administrator or service administrator), the person should have the authorisation to grant other persons access to the application and to withdraw such access.
When using access via the A2A interface, it is necessary to establish network connections (according to the rules for establishing access for the A2A interface) and to get an electronic certificate used to secure the transmission and authenticate to the dedicated communication channel. In this case, it is necessary to access the A2A Certificates application in the production environment of the Service Portal https://online.kdpw.pl and to download the electronic certificate to the test environments in the application.
kdpw_stream test environment