Xml messages - KDPW

Xml messages

CSD - Settlement of securities

Settlement - KDPW messages
Message nameDescriptionPDFSchemaExample
semt.nta.001.02Status of component trades within a net instruction
semt.nta.002.03Statement of settled component trades within a net instruction
semt.rqh.001.01Balance inquiry
semt.rqs.001.01Settlement instruction status inquiry
semt.sgo.001.02Standing orders
semt.smh.001.02Holding balances
semt.smt.001.04Settlement account statement
sese.enr.001.02Enrichment instruction
sese.inp.001.02Balance type change instruction
sese.ins.001.03Settlement instruction
sese.sgo.001.02Standing order
sese.sts.001.05Settlement instruction status
sese.stt.001.01Technical instruction status
sese.tec.001.02Technical instruction
tprp.ins.001.02Tri-party repo instruction
tprp.stm.001.02Tri-party repo and collateral statement
tprp.sts.001.02Tri-party repo instruction status
Settlement - ISO20022 messages
Message nameDescriptionWWW
Securities Transaction Cancellation Request
sese.021.001.04Securities Transaction Status Query
sese.023.001.07Securities Settlement Transaction Instruction
sese.024.001.08Securities Settlement Transaction Status Advice
sese.025.001.07Securities Settlement Transaction Confirmation
sese.028.001.06Securities Settlement Transaction Allegement Notification
sese.030.001.07Securities Settlement Conditions Modification Request
semt.002.001.09Securities Balance Custody Report   
semt.013.001.04Intra-Position Movement Instruction   
semt.017.001.07Securities Transaction Posting Report   
semt.021.001.06Securities Balance Custody Report

CSD - Securities accounts

Message nameDescriptionPDF
acmt.rqa.001.03Account instruction
acmt.sta.001.03Account instruction status

CSD - Corporate events

General Meetings - ISO20022 messages
Message nameDescriptionWWW
head.001.01.02Business Application Header
seev.001.001.07Meeting Notification
seev.002.001.06Meeting Cancellation
seev.003.001.06Meeting Entitlement Notification
seev.004.001.06Meeting Instruction
seev.005.001.06Meeting Instruction Cancellation Advice
seev.006.001.06Meeting Instruction Status
seev.007.001.06Meeting Vote Execution Confirmation 
Other corporate events - KDPW messages
Message nameDescriptionPDFSchemaExample
seev.ins.008.01ZPP-1 or IFT-1/IFT-2 request
dscl.cnc.001.01Wycofanie komunikatu z danymi uprawnionych
dscl.ins.001.01Dane uprawnionych z papierów wartościowych
dscl.stc.001.01Status komunikatu wycofania instrukcji/ danych uprawnionego
dscl.sts.001.01Status komunikatu z danymi uprawnionych
Other corporate events - ISO20022 messages
Message nameDescriptionWWW
seev.031.001.13 Group 01Corporate Action Notification
seev.031.001.13 Grupa 02Corporate Action Notification
seev.032.001.08Corporate Action Event Processing Status Advice
seev.033.001.12Corporate Action Instruction
seev.034.001.13Corporate Action Instruction Status Advice
seev.035.001.14Corporate Action Movement Preliminary Advice
seev.036.001.14Corporate Action Movement Confirmation
seev.038.001.07Corporate Action Narrative
seev.039.001.12Corporate Action Cancellation Advice
seev.040.001.12Corporate Action Instruction Cancellation Request
seev.041.001.13Corporate Action Instruction Cancellation Request Status Advice
seev.044.001.12Corporate Action Movement Preliminary Advice Cancellation Advice
Identification of shareholders - listed companies
Message nameDescriptionWWW
head.001.01.02Business Application Header
seev.045.001.04Disclosure Request
seev.046.001.01Disclosure Request Cancellation Advice
seev.047.001.02Disclosure Response
seev.048.001.01Disclosure Response Cancellation Advice
seev.049.001.01Disclosure Response Status
seev.038.001.05Corporate Action Narrative
camt.077.001.01Billing Report
Identification of shareholders - non-public companies
Message nameDescriptionWWW
head.001.01.02Business Application Header
seev.045.001.04Disclosure Request
seev.046.001.01Disclosure Request Cancellation Advice
seev.047.001.02Disclosure Response
seev.048.001.01Disclosure Response Cancellation Advice
seev.049.001.01Disclosure Response Status

Reporting - EMIR Trade Repository


EMIR REFIT - ISO2022 messages - outgoing - effective 29 April 2024
Message nameDescriptionWWW
auth.030.001.03Derivatives Trade Report (TAR)
EoD message containing all types of action types (AT) sent during the previous working day
auth.108.001.01Derivatives Trade Margin Data Report (Margin TAR)
EoD message containing all margins (collaterals) sent during the previous working day
auth.107.001.01Derivatives Trade State Report (TSR)
EoD message containing the latest trade states of all outstanding derivatives as of the given date
auth.109.001.01Derivatives Trade Margin Data Transaction State Report (Margin TSR)
EoD message containing the latest margin (collateral) state assigned to outstanding derivatives as of the given date
auth.092.001.04Derivatives Trade Rejection Statistical Report
immediate response and EoD message containing statistics on accepted and rejected reports/transactions with details of rejections as of the given date
auth.091.001.02Derivatives Trade Reconciliation Statistical Report
immediate response and EoD message containing reconciliation statuses of all reported derivatives subject to reconciliation as of the given date
auth.106.001.01Derivatives Trade Warnings Report
EoD message containing three sections:
1/ missing valuation - a list of outstanding derivatives for which no valuation has been reported, or for which the valuation that was reported is dated more than 14 calendar days earlier than the day for which the report is generated
2/ missing margins - a list of outstanding derivatives for which no margin information has been reported, or for which the margin information that was reported is dated more than 14 calendar days earlier than the day for which the report is generated
3/ abnormal values - a list of action types received during the previous working day and whose notional amount is abnormal for that class of derivatives
head.001.001.01Business Application Header
The header attached to outgoing messages
head.003.001.01The envelope message
to wrap BAH and auth.030 or auth.108
EMIR REFIT - ISO2022 messages - incoming - effective 29 April 2024
Message nameDescriptionWWW
auth.030.001.03Derivatives Trade Report
message sent by the RSE to the KDPW TR to report derivatives information
auth.108.001.01Derivatives Trade Margin Data Report
message sent by the RSE to the KDPW TR for margin (collateral) reporting
​head.001.001.01Business Application Header
The header attached to auth.030 or auth.108
head.003.001.01The envelope message
to wrap BAH and auth.030 or auth.108 
EMIR REFIT - KDPW xml messages
Message nameDescriptionPDFSchemaExampleWWW
auth.rlt.002.02entity relations message (RSE vs ERR)
auth.031.001.01response to entity relations message auth.rlt.002.02

Reporting - SFTR Trade Repository

SFTR Trade Repository - KDPW xml messages
Message nameDescriptionPDFSchemaExample
auth.ntf.001.01SFTR - Notification message
auth.rlt.001.02SFTR -Message used to define relations between RSE and RCs


Reporting - ARM

ARM - xml messages
Message nameDescriptionPDFSchemaExampleWWW
auth.016.001.01used to send a report to the Supervisor and notification from KDPW ARM to Participants
auth.031.001.01identifies a report as correct or identifies errors after validation
head.001.001.01header BAH (business application header)
head.003.001.01file header
auth.rpt.001.01auth.016.001.01 report enriched with fields necesssary to send SHORTCODES
auth.str.001.01auth.rpt.001.01 status message
auth.clt.001.01used to send data of individuals or entities identified with SHORTCODES
auth.stc.001.01auth.clt.001.01 status message
auth.enr.001.01enrichment message used to provide additional transaction data not available in the GPW/KDPW systems
auth.ste.001.01auth.enr.001.01 status message