Struktura komunikatu: Dane uzupełniające do raportu ARM (auth.enr.001.01)

Dane uzupełniające do raportu ARM

Document- (element)

Typ Document
Źródło <xs:element name="Document" type="Document" />

ActiveCurrencyCode- Kod waluty (typ prosty)

Opis A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds".
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=[A-Z]{3,3}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ActiveCurrencyCode" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{3,3}" />



CountryCode- Kod kraju (typ prosty)

Opis Code to identify a country, a dependency, or another area of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code).
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=[A-Z]{2,2}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="CountryCode" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}" />



Document- (typ złożony)



Źródło <xs:complexType name="Document" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="FinInstrmRptgTxUpdt" type="FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01" />



Document/FinInstrmRptgTxUpdt- Komunkat z danymi uzupełniającymi (element)

Opis Trasnaction enriched data
Typ FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01
Źródło <xs:element name="FinInstrmRptgTxUpdt" type="FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01" />

ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,25}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,25}" />



ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,350}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,350}" />



ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,35}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,35}" />



ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,50}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,50}" />



ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,52}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,52}" />



ESMA_Concat_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_Concat_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=CONCAT

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_Concat_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="CONCAT" />



ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >




ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=(NIDN)|(CCPT)

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="(NIDN)|(CCPT)" />



ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:decimal
Format Liczba znaków po przecinku=17

Liczba znaków=18

Min. wartość=0

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" >

     <xs:fractionDigits value="17" />

     <xs:totalDigits value="18" />

     <xs:minExclusive value="0" />



ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern- (typ prosty)

Opis ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=(([A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{1,33})|([A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}))

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="(([A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{1,33})|([A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}))" />



ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18_SimpleType- (typ prosty)

Typ Pochodna typu: xs:decimal
Format Liczba znaków po przecinku=5

Liczba znaków=18

Min. wartość=0

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18_SimpleType" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" >

     <xs:fractionDigits value="5" />

     <xs:totalDigits value="18" />

     <xs:minExclusive value="0" />



FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01- Komunikat z danymi uzupełniającymi (typ złożony)

Opis The FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReport message is sent by the reporting agent to the competent authority to report on the securities transactions or by the competent authority to another competent authority when the transaction needs to be exchanged between the competent authorities.


Źródło <xs:complexType name="FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="Tx" type="ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />



FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionUpdateV01/Tx- Dane transakcji (element)

Opis Provides the details of the reported securities transactions.
Typ ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Tx" type="ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

GenericPersonIdentification1__1- Idenyfikacja osoby (typ złożony)

Opis Information related to an identification of a person.



Źródło <xs:complexType name="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="Id" type="ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern" />

     <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1" />



GenericPersonIdentification1__1/Id- Identyfikator (element)

Opis Unique and unambiguous identification of a person.
Typ ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="Id" type="ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern" />

GenericPersonIdentification1__1/SchmeNm- Nazwa schematu (element)

Opis Name of the identification scheme.
Typ PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1
Źródło <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1" />

ISODate- (typ prosty)

Opis ISODate A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar year expressed in the YYYY-MM-DD format. This representation is defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:date
Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ISODate" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:date" >



ISONormalisedDateTime- (typ prosty)

Opis ISONormalisedDateTime an ISODateTime whereby all timezoned dateTime values are UTC.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:dateTime
Format xs:pattern=.*Z

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ISONormalisedDateTime" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime" >

     <xs:pattern value=".*Z" />



LEIIdentifier- (typ prosty)

Opis LEIIdentifier Legal Entity Identifier is a code allocated to a party as described in ISO 17442 "Financial Services - Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)".
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="LEIIdentifier" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}" />



MICIdentifier- (typ prosty)

Opis MICIdentifier Market Identifier Code. The identification of a financial market, as stipulated in the norm ISO 10383 'Codes for exchanges and market identifications'.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format xs:pattern=[A-Z0-9]{4,4}

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="MICIdentifier" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{4,4}" />



Max3Number- (typ prosty)

Opis Max3Number Number (max 999) of objects represented as an integer.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:decimal
Format Liczba znaków po przecinku=0

Liczba znaków=3

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="Max3Number" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" >

     <xs:fractionDigits value="0" />

     <xs:totalDigits value="3" />



PartyIdentification79__1- Identyfikacja strony (typ złożony)

Opis Set of elements used to identify an account owner and the associated decision maker.


Źródło <xs:complexType name="PartyIdentification79__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="DcsnMakr" type="PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />



PartyIdentification79__1/DcsnMakr- Podejmujący decyzję (element)

Opis Identifies the person who makes the decision on the financial instrument, acquire in case the of a buyer or to sell in case of the seller.
Typ PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1
Źródło <xs:element name="DcsnMakr" type="PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

PersonIdentification12__1- (typ złożony)

Opis PersonIdentification12__1 Specifies the identification of a person.


Źródło <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentification12__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" />



PersonIdentification12__1/CtryOfBrnch- (element)

Opis CountryOfBranch Branch where the trader is located.
Typ CountryCode
Źródło <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" />

PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1- Schemat (typ złożony)

Opis Sets of elements to identify a name of the identification scheme.



Źródło <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:choice >

       <xs:element name="Cd" type="ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern" />

       <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ESMA_Concat_Pattern" />




PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1/Cd- Kod (element)

Opis Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Typ ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="Cd" type="ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern" />

PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1/Prtry- Dowolny tekst (element)

Opis Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Typ ESMA_Concat_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ESMA_Concat_Pattern" />

PersonIdentification10__1- Identyfikacja osoby (typ złożony)

Opis Unique and unambiguous way to identify a person.





Źródło <xs:complexType name="PersonIdentification10__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="FrstNm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" />

     <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" />

     <xs:element name="BirthDt" type="ISODate" />

     <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" />



PersonIdentification10__1/FrstNm- Imię (element)

Opis First name of a person (also known as given name).
Typ ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="FrstNm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" />

PersonIdentification10__1/Nm- Nazwisko (element)

Opis Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Typ ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" />

PersonIdentification10__1/BirthDt- Data urodzenia (element)

Opis Date on which a person is born.
Typ ISODate
Źródło <xs:element name="BirthDt" type="ISODate" />

PersonIdentification10__1/Othr- Inne (element)

Opis Unique identification of a person, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. Usage: In the scope of MIFIR, the scheme name is restricted to a passport number (use of code CCPT), any other national identifier (use of code NIDN) or CONCAT (use of proprietary with value CONCAT). Issuer field will be ignored and should not be populated by reporting parties.
Typ GenericPersonIdentification1__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" />

PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1- (typ złożony)

Opis PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1 Specifies the identification of a person or an organisation.




Źródło <xs:complexType name="PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:choice >

       <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" />

       <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" />

       <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" />




PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/LEI- LEI (element)

Opis Legal entity identifier of the party.
Typ LEIIdentifier
Źródło <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" />

PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/Prsn- Osoba (element)

Opis Identification of a person.
Typ PersonIdentification10__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" />

PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/ShrtCd- Short code (element)

Opis Short code
Typ ShortCode
Źródło <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" />

ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1- Typ raportu (typ złożony)

Opis Report type


Źródło <xs:complexType name="ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="Updt" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1" />



ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1/Updt- Dane uzupełniające (element)

Opis Transaction is a newly reported transaction.
Typ SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Updt" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1" />

SecuritiesTransaction1__1- (typ złożony)

Opis SecuritiesTransaction1__1 Provides the details of the reported transaction.


Źródło <xs:complexType name="SecuritiesTransaction1__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="CmplxTradCmpntId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />



SecuritiesTransaction1__1/CmplxTradCmpntId- Identyfikacja składowej transakcji złożonej (element)

Opis Identification, internal to the reporting party to identify all the reports related to the same execution of a combination of financial instruments. The code must be unique for the reporting party for the group of reports for the execution. Usage: Field only applies when the instrument is complex.
Typ ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="CmplxTradCmpntId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1- (typ złożony)

Opis SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1 Provides additional indicators on the transaction.


Źródło <xs:complexType name="SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="ShrtSellgInd" type="Side5Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />



SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/ShrtSellgInd- Wskaźnik krótkiej sprzedaży (element)

Opis Indicates a short sell concluded by the investment agent on its own accounts or on behalf of a client, as described in Article 10.
Typ Side5Code
Źródło <xs:element name="ShrtSellgInd" type="Side5Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1- (typ złożony)

Opis SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1 Details of the securities transaction report.




Źródło <xs:complexType name="SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" />

     <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIIdentifier" />

     <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIIdentifier" />



SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/TxId- (element)

Opis TransactionIdentification Unique and unambiguous identification of the transaction.
Typ ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/ExctgPty- (element)

Opis ExecutingParty Identification of the entity executing the transaction. Usage: For legal entities, use the legal entity identifier. For non-legal entities, this field shall be populated with an identifier as specified in Article 7 of this Regulation.
Typ LEIIdentifier
Źródło <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIIdentifier" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/SubmitgPty- (element)

Opis SubmittingParty Entity submitting the transaction report to the competent authority.
Typ LEIIdentifier
Źródło <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIIdentifier" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1- (typ złożony)

Opis SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1 Details of the securities transaction report.






Źródło <xs:complexType name="SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1" >

   <xs:sequence >

     <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" />

     <xs:element name="Buyr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" minOccurs="0" />

     <xs:element name="Sellr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" minOccurs="0" />

     <xs:element name="Tx" type="SecuritiesTransaction1__1" minOccurs="0" />

     <xs:element name="AddtlAttrbts" type="SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1" minOccurs="0" />



SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/TxId- Identyfikator transakcji (element)

Opis Unique and unambiguous identification of the transaction.
Typ ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern
Źródło <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Buyr- Kupujący (element)

Opis Identifies the acquirer of the legal title to the financial instrument.
Typ PartyIdentification79__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Buyr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" minOccurs="0" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Sellr- Sprzedający (element)

Opis Identifies the seller of the legal title to the financial instrument.
Typ PartyIdentification79__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Sellr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" minOccurs="0" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Tx- Transakcja (element)

Opis Provides the details of the reported transaction.
Typ SecuritiesTransaction1__1
Źródło <xs:element name="Tx" type="SecuritiesTransaction1__1" minOccurs="0" />

SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/AddtlAttrbts- Dodatkowe atrybuty (element)

Opis Provides additional indicators on the reported transaction.
Typ SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1
Źródło <xs:element name="AddtlAttrbts" type="SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1" minOccurs="0" />

ShortCode- Short code (typ prosty)

Opis Short code
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Format Min. długość=1

Maks. długość=16

Źródło <xs:simpleType name="ShortCode" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:minLength value="1" />

     <xs:maxLength value="16" />



Side5Code- Strona (typ prosty)

Opis Side taken by a party on an order.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:string
Kod Opis
SESH Krótka sprzedaż
SELL Sprzedaż
SSEX Wyłączona krótka sprzedaż
UNDI NIeujawniona
Źródło <xs:simpleType name="Side5Code" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:string" >

     <xs:enumeration value="SESH" />

     <xs:enumeration value="SELL" />

     <xs:enumeration value="SSEX" />

     <xs:enumeration value="UNDI" />



TrueFalseIndicator- Wskaźnik prawda/fałsz (typ prosty)

Opis A flag indicating a True or False value.
Typ Pochodna typu: xs:boolean
Źródło <xs:simpleType name="TrueFalseIndicator" >

   <xs:restriction base="xs:boolean" >

