![]() |
Document- (element) |
Typ | Document |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Document" type="Document" /> |
ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType- Wartość (typ prosty) |
Opis | Wartość |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=13
Liczba znaków=18 Min. wartość=0 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="13" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount- Wartość (typ złożony) |
Opis | A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) is not checked as per ISO 4217: It must be lesser than or equal to 13. Note: The decimal separator is a dot. | ||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType | ||||||
Atrybuty |
Źródło |
<xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount_SimpleType" > < xs:attribute name="Ccy" type="ActiveCurrencyCode" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> |
ActiveCurrencyCode- Kod waluty (typ prosty) |
Opis | A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z]{3,3}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{3,3}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType- Wartość (typ prosty) |
Opis | Wartość |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=5
Liczba znaków=18 Min. wartość=0 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="5" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount- Wartość (typ złożony) |
Opis | A number of monetary units specified in an active or a historic currency where the unit of currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217. | ||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType | ||||||
Atrybuty |
Źródło |
<xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount_SimpleType" > < xs:attribute name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> |
ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode- Kod waluty (typ prosty) |
Opis | A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the representation of currencies and funds". |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z]{3,3}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{3,3}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
AmountAndDirection53- Wartość ze znakiem (typ złożony) |
Opis | Amount of money expressed with an optional currency code and debit/credit indicator. |
składowe |
Sgn{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" /> <xs:element name="Sgn" type="PlusOrMinusIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
AmountAndDirection53/Amt- Wartość (element) |
Opis | Amount of money that results in an increase (positively signed) or decrease (negatively signed), with specification of the currency. |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" /> |
AmountAndDirection53/Sgn- Znak (element) |
Opis | Indicates that the amount value is positive or negative. Usage: When absent, the amount is positive. |
Typ | PlusOrMinusIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Sgn" type="PlusOrMinusIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
AmountAndDirection61- Wartość ze znakiem (typ złożony) |
Opis | Amount of money expressed with an optional currency code and debit/credit indicator. |
składowe |
Sgn{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount" /> <xs:element name="Sgn" type="PlusOrMinusIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
AmountAndDirection61/Amt- Wartość (element) |
Opis | Amount of money that results in an increase (positively signed) or decrease (negatively signed), with specification of the currency. |
Typ | ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Amt" type="ActiveCurrencyAnd13DecimalAmount" /> |
AmountAndDirection61/Sgn- Znak (element) |
Opis | Indicates that the amount value is positive or negative. |
Typ | PlusOrMinusIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Sgn" type="PlusOrMinusIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1- Kategoria aktywów (typ złożony) |
Opis | Asset class specific details of a derivative. |
składowe |
FX |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Intrst" type="DerivativeInterest2" /> <xs:element name="FX" type="DerivativeForeignExchange2" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1/Intrst- Stopa procentowa (element) |
Opis | Asset class is a non-financial instrument of type interest rate. |
Typ | DerivativeInterest2 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Intrst" type="DerivativeInterest2" /> |
AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1/FX- FX (element) |
Opis | Asset class is a non-financial instrument of type foreign exchange. |
Typ | DerivativeForeignExchange2 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FX" type="DerivativeForeignExchange2" /> |
BasketDescription3__1- Opis koszyka (typ złożony) |
Opis | Describes the constituents of the basket. |
składowe |
Indx{0,unbounded} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="Indx" type="FinancialInstrument58__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
BasketDescription3__1/ISIN- ISIN (element) |
Opis | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. |
Typ | ISINOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
BasketDescription3__1/Indx- Indeks (element) |
Opis | Index on which the financial instrument is based. |
Typ | FinancialInstrument58__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Indx" type="FinancialInstrument58__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
BenchmarkCurveName2Code- Nazwa krzywej odniesienia (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies a benchmark curve name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="WIBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="TREA" /> <xs:enumeration value="TIBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="TLBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="SWAP" /> <xs:enumeration value="STBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="PRBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="PFAN" /> <xs:enumeration value="NIBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="MAAA" /> <xs:enumeration value="MOSP" /> <xs:enumeration value="LIBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="LIBI" /> <xs:enumeration value="JIBA" /> <xs:enumeration value="ISDA" /> <xs:enumeration value="GCFR" /> <xs:enumeration value="FUSW" /> <xs:enumeration value="EUCH" /> <xs:enumeration value="EUUS" /> <xs:enumeration value="EURI" /> <xs:enumeration value="EONS" /> <xs:enumeration value="EONA" /> <xs:enumeration value="CIBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="CDOR" /> <xs:enumeration value="BUBO" /> <xs:enumeration value="BBSW" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1- Wybór krzywej (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice of format for benchmark curve name. |
składowe |
Nm |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Indx" type="BenchmarkCurveName2Code" /> <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1/Indx- Indeks (element) |
Opis | Index Index name where the underlying is an index. |
Typ | BenchmarkCurveName2Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Indx" type="BenchmarkCurveName2Code" /> |
BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1/Nm- Nazwa (element) |
Opis | Provides the name that should be used where no ISIN or standardized name of the index exists, including its term (such as ‘EURIBOR6M’, ‘LIBOR3M’). |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern" /> |
CFIOct2015Identifier- Nazwa (typ prosty) |
Opis | Classification type of the financial instrument, as per the ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instrument (CFI) codification, eg, common share with voting rights, fully paid, or registered. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z]{6,6}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{6,6}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
CountryCode- Kod kraju (typ prosty) |
Opis | Code to identify a country, a dependency, or another area of particular geopolitical interest, on the basis of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code). |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z]{2,2}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
DebtInstrument4- Instrument dłużny (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the debit instrument. |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="MtrtyDt" type="ISODate" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
DebtInstrument4/MtrtyDt- Data wykupu (element) |
Opis | Maturity date/time at which an interest bearing financial instrument becomes due, that is original date of expiry of the reported financial instrument. Usage: Within MiFIR, only applies to debt instruments with defined maturity. |
Typ | ISODate |
Źródło | <xs:element name="MtrtyDt" type="ISODate" /> |
DecimalNumber- Liczba (typ prosty) |
Opis | Number of objects represented as a decimal number, eg, 0.75 or 45.6. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=17
Liczba znaków=18 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="17" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
DerivativeForeignExchange2- Instrument pochodny - FX (typ złożony) |
Opis | Attributes of non-financial instrument of type foreign exchange as underlying. |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="OthrNtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
DerivativeForeignExchange2/OthrNtnlCcy- Waluta (element) |
Opis | Underlying currency 2 of the currency pair (the currency 1 will be populated in the notional currency). |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OthrNtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1- Instrument pochodny (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the derivative instrument. |
składowe |
PricMltplr UndrlygInstrm OptnTp{0,1} StrkPric{0,1} OptnExrcStyle{0,1} DlvryTp AsstClssSpcfcAttrbts{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="XpryDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="PricMltplr" type="ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18" /> <xs:element name="UndrlygInstrm" type="UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="OptnTp" type="OptionType2Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="StrkPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="OptnExrcStyle" type="OptionStyle7Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="DlvryTp" type="PhysicalTransferType4Code" /> <xs:element name="AsstClssSpcfcAttrbts" type="AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/XpryDt- Data wygaśnięcia (element) |
Opis | Original expiry date of the reported financial instrument. Usage: Field applies to derivatives with defined expiry date. |
Typ | ISODate |
Źródło | <xs:element name="XpryDt" type="ISODate" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/PricMltplr- Mnożnik (element) |
Opis | Number of units of the underlying instrument represented by a single derivative contract. For a future or option on an index, the amount per index point. |
Typ | ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="PricMltplr" type="ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/UndrlygInstrm- Instrument bazowy (element) |
Opis | Choice to specify the type(s) of underlying instrument(s) that make up the financial instrument. Usage: Within MiFIR, for ADRs, GDRs and similar instruments, the ISIN code of the instrument on which the instruments is based. For Convertible bonds, the ISIN code of the instrument in which the bond can be converted. For derivatives or other instruments which have an underlying, the direct underlying instrument ISIN code, when the direct underlying is admitted to trading, or traded on a trading venue. When the underlying is a stock dividend, then the instrument code of the related share entitling the underlying dividends. For Credit Default Swaps derivatives, the ISIN of the reference obligation should be provided. In case the underlying or the direct underlying is an Index and has an ISIN, the ISIN code for that index. In case the instrument is referring to an issuer, rather than to one single instrument, the LEI code of the Issuer. In case the underlying is an Index, the name of the index. When the direct underlying is a basket, include all the identifying codes for each constituent of the basket that is admitted to trading or is traded on a trading venue. |
Typ | UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="UndrlygInstrm" type="UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/OptnTp- Typ opcji (element) |
Opis | Specifies whether it is a call option (right to purchase a specific underlying asset) or a put option (right to sell a specific underlying asset). |
Typ | OptionType2Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OptnTp" type="OptionType2Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/StrkPric- Cena wykonania (element) |
Opis | Predetermined price at which the holder will have to buy or sell the underlying instrument. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="StrkPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/OptnExrcStyle- Typ wykonania opcji (element) |
Opis | Indication as to whether the option may be exercised only at a fixed date (European, and Asian style), a series of pre-specified dates (Bermudan) or at any time during the life of the contract (American style). This field does not have to be populated for ISIN instruments. |
Typ | OptionStyle7Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OptnExrcStyle" type="OptionStyle7Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/DlvryTp- Typ dostawy (element) |
Opis | Indicates whether the transaction is settled physically or in cash. |
Typ | PhysicalTransferType4Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="DlvryTp" type="PhysicalTransferType4Code" /> |
DerivativeInstrument6__1/AsstClssSpcfcAttrbts- Atrybuty klasy instrumentów (element) |
Opis | Specific attributes of the underlying asset class of the financial instrument. |
Typ | AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="AsstClssSpcfcAttrbts" type="AssetClassAttributes1Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
DerivativeInterest2- Instrument pochodny oparty o stopę procentową (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies a multi-leg interest derivative. |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="OthrNtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
DerivativeInterest2/OthrNtnlCcy- Kod waluty (element) |
Opis | Currency in which leg 2 of the contract is denominated, in case of multi-currency or cross-currency swaps. Currency in which leg 2 of the swap is denominated, in case of swaptions where the underlying swap is multi-currency. |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OthrNtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" /> |
Document- (typ złożony) |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="FinInstrmRptgTxRpt" type="FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReportV01" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
Document/FinInstrmRptgTxRpt- (element) |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReportV01 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FinInstrmRptgTxRpt" type="FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReportV01" /> |
ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax25_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,25}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,25}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,350}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]|%|\?|#| |\+|/){1,350}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,35}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,35}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,50}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,50}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,52}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[0-9]){1,52}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_Concat_Pattern- CONCAT (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=CONCAT
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="CONCAT" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern- Tekst (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="([A-Z]|[А-Я]|[Α-Ω]|[ÄÀÁÂÃÅǍĄĂÆÇĆĈČĎĐÐÈÉÊËĚĘĜĢĞĤÌÍÎÏĴĶĹĻŁĽÑŃŇÖÒÓÔÕŐØŒŔŘẞŚŜŞŠȘŤŢÞȚÜÙÚÛŰŨŲŮŴÝŸŶŹŽŻ]|,| |'|-|–){1,140}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern- Kod NIDN/CCPT (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=(NIDN)|(CCPT)
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="(NIDN)|(CCPT)" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18- Liczba (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=17
Liczba znaków=18 Min. wartość=0 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="17" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> <xs:minExclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern- Identyfikator (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=(([A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{1,33})|([A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}))
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="(([A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{1,33})|([A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{8}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z#]{4}))" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18_SimpleType- (typ prosty) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=5
Liczba znaków=18 Min. wartość=0 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="5" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> <xs:minExclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18- Liczba (typ złożony) |
Typ | Pochodna typu: ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18_SimpleType | ||||||
Atrybuty |
Źródło |
<xs:simpleContent> <xs:extension base="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18_SimpleType" > < xs:attribute name="Currency" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" use="required" /> </xs:extension> </xs:simpleContent> </xs:complexType> |
ExecutingParty1Choice__1- Executing party (typ złożony) |
Opis | Identification of the executing party. |
składowe |
Algo Clnt ShrtCd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification12__1" /> <xs:element name="Algo" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="Clnt" type="NoReasonCode" /> <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
ExecutingParty1Choice__1/Prsn- Osoba (element) |
Opis | Identification of a person. |
Typ | PersonIdentification12__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification12__1" /> |
ExecutingParty1Choice__1/Algo- Algorytm (element) |
Opis | Identification of an algorithm. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Algo" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern" /> |
ExecutingParty1Choice__1/Clnt- Klient (element) |
Opis | Indication that the transaction was executed directly by the client. |
Typ | NoReasonCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Clnt" type="NoReasonCode" /> |
ExecutingParty1Choice__1/ShrtCd- Short code (element) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | ShortCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> |
FinancialInstrument58__1- Instrument finansowy (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies underlying instruments or index a derivative has. |
składowe |
Nm |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="Nm" type="FloatingInterestRate8__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrument58__1/ISIN- ISIN (element) |
Opis | Identification of the index on which the financial instrument is based. Usage: Within the scope of MiFIR RTS 23, this is the specific ISIN code associated with the index, where it exists. This field represents field 26 where the underlying will be an index. |
Typ | ISINOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
FinancialInstrument58__1/Nm- Nazwa (element) |
Opis | Name of the index on which the financial instrument is based. |
Typ | FloatingInterestRate8__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Nm" type="FloatingInterestRate8__1" /> |
FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1- Atrybuty instrumentu finansowego (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the attributes of the financial instrument. |
składowe |
Othr |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Id" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" /> <xs:element name="Othr" type="SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1/Id- Identyfikator (element) |
Opis | Identification of a financial instrument admitted to trading. |
Typ | ISINOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Id" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" /> |
FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1/Othr- Inne (element) |
Opis | Description of the financial instrument, such as a a derivative, when the instrument is not admitted to trading on a trading venue. |
Typ | SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Othr" type="SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1" /> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1- Identyfikator instrumentu finansowego (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice between formats for the identification of the financial instruments. |
składowe |
Indx |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" /> <xs:element name="Indx" type="FinancialInstrument58__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1/ISIN- ISIN (element) |
Opis | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. |
Typ | ISINOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ISIN" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" /> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1/Indx- Indeks (element) |
Opis | Index on which the financial instrument is based. |
Typ | FinancialInstrument58__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Indx" type="FinancialInstrument58__1" /> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1- Identyfikator instrumentu finansowego (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice for identifying the underlying instruments that a derivative can consist of. |
składowe |
Bskt |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Sngl" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="Bskt" type="BasketDescription3__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1/Sngl- Pojedynczy (element) |
Opis | Instrument consists of single instrument. Usage: Within MiFIR, this is populated where the underlying is at most one instrument. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Sngl" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification6Choice__1" /> |
FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1/Bskt- Koszyk (element) |
Opis | Instrument consists of multiple instruments. Usage: Within MiFIR, this is populated where the underlying consists of multiple instruments even if they are not all to be reported. |
Typ | BasketDescription3__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Bskt" type="BasketDescription3__1" /> |
FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1- Wolumen instrumnetów finansowych (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice between formats for the quantity of security. |
składowe |
NmnlVal MntryVal |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Unit" type="ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18" /> <xs:element name="NmnlVal" type="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18" /> <xs:element name="MntryVal" type="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1/Unit- Jednostki (element) |
Opis | Quantity expressed as a number, such as a number of shares. |
Typ | ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Unit" type="ESMA_NonNegativeExcludingZeroMax18" /> |
FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1/NmnlVal- Wartośc nominalna (element) |
Opis | TBC |
Typ | ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="NmnlVal" type="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18" /> |
FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1/MntryVal- Wartośc monetarna (element) |
Opis | TBC |
Typ | ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="MntryVal" type="ESMA_PositiveExcludingZeroMax18" /> |
FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReportV01- Raport (typ złożony) |
Opis | The FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReport message is sent by the reporting agent to the competent authority to report on the securities transactions or by the competent authority to another competent authority when the transaction needs to be exchanged between the competent authorities. |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Tx" type="ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FinancialInstrumentReportingTransactionReportV01/Tx- Transakcja (element) |
Opis | Provides the details of the reported securities transactions. |
Typ | ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Tx" type="ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
FloatingInterestRate8__1- Zmienna stopa procentowa (typ złożony) |
Opis | Provides the index used to define the rate and optionally the basis point spread. |
składowe |
Term{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="RefRate" type="BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="Term" type="InterestRateContractTerm2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
FloatingInterestRate8__1/RefRate- Stopa referencyjna (element) |
Opis | Identifies the reference index for the instrument. Usage: Index or name if the reference rate is not included in the index list. |
Typ | BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="RefRate" type="BenchmarkCurveName5Choice__1" /> |
FloatingInterestRate8__1/Term- Termin stawki referencyjnej (element) |
Opis | Term of the reference rate. |
Typ | InterestRateContractTerm2 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Term" type="InterestRateContractTerm2" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
GenericPersonIdentification1__1- Idenyfikacja osoby (typ złożony) |
Opis | Information related to an identification of a person. |
składowe |
SchmeNm |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Id" type="ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
GenericPersonIdentification1__1/Id- Identyfikator (element) |
Opis | Unique and unambiguous identification of a person. |
Typ | ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Id" type="ESMA_PersonalIdentification_Pattern" /> |
GenericPersonIdentification1__1/SchmeNm- Nazwa schematu (element) |
Opis | Name of the identification scheme. |
Typ | PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SchmeNm" type="PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1" /> |
ISINOct2015Identifier- ISIN (typ prosty) |
Opis | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). A numbering system designed by the United Nation's International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISIN is composed of a 2-character prefix representing the country of issue, followed by the national security number (if one exists), and a check digit. Each country has a national numbering agency that assigns ISIN numbers for securities in that country. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{9,9}[0-9]{1,1}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{9,9}[0-9]{1,1}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ISODate- Data (typ prosty) |
Opis | A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar year expressed in the YYYY-MM-DD format. This representation is defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:date |
Format | |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:date" > </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ISONormalisedDateTime- Data (typ prosty) |
Opis | an ISODateTime whereby all timezoned dateTime values are UTC. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:dateTime |
Format | xs:pattern=.*Z
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:dateTime" > <xs:pattern value=".*Z" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount- Wartość (typ prosty) |
Opis | Number of monetary units specified in a currency where the unit of currency is implied by the context and compliant with ISO 4217. The decimal separator is a dot. Note: a zero amount is considered a positive amount. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=5
Liczba znaków=18 Min. wartość=0 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="5" /> <xs:totalDigits value="18" /> <xs:minInclusive value="0" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
InterestRateContractTerm2- Zasady określania stopy porcentowej (typ złożony) |
Opis | Describes how interest rates are reported. |
składowe |
Val |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Unit" type="RateBasis1Code" /> <xs:element name="Val" type="Max3Number" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
InterestRateContractTerm2/Unit- Jednostki (element) |
Opis | Unit for the rate basis. |
Typ | RateBasis1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Unit" type="RateBasis1Code" /> |
InterestRateContractTerm2/Val- Wartość (element) |
Opis | Value of the contract term in number of units. |
Typ | Max3Number |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Val" type="Max3Number" /> |
InternalPartyRole1Code- Wewnętrzna strona transakcji (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the role as an internal party in the transaction. | ||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="INTC" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
InvestmentParty1Choice__1- Identyfikacja Investment Party (typ złożony) |
Opis | Identification of the investment party. |
składowe |
Algo ShrtCd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification12__1" /> <xs:element name="Algo" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
InvestmentParty1Choice__1/Prsn- Osoba (element) |
Opis | Identification of a person. |
Typ | PersonIdentification12__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification12__1" /> |
InvestmentParty1Choice__1/Algo- Algorytm (element) |
Opis | Identification of an algorithm. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Algo" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax50_Pattern" /> |
InvestmentParty1Choice__1/ShrtCd- Short code (element) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | ShortCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> |
KDPWMemberIdentifier- KDPW member identifier (typ prosty) |
Opis | KDPW member identifier |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | Min. długość=4
Maks. długość=4 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse" /> <xs:minLength value="4" /> <xs:maxLength value="4" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
LEIIdentifier- Kod LEI (typ prosty) |
Opis | Legal Entity Identifier is a code allocated to a party as described in ISO 17442 "Financial Services - Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)". |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
LEIOrMemberIdentifier- Kod LEI lub kd uczestnika (typ złożony) |
Opis | LEI or member identifier. |
składowe |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="KDPWMmbId" type="KDPWMemberIdentifier" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
LEIOrMemberIdentifier/LEI- LEI (element) |
Opis | Legal entity identifier of the party. |
Typ | LEIIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> |
LEIOrMemberIdentifier/KDPWMmbId- KDPW Member identifier (element) |
Opis | KDPW Member identifier |
Typ | KDPWMemberIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="KDPWMmbId" type="KDPWMemberIdentifier" /> |
MICIdentifier- Identyfikator MIC (typ prosty) |
Opis | Market Identifier Code. The identification of a financial market, as stipulated in the norm ISO 10383 'Codes for exchanges and market identifications'. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | xs:pattern=[A-Z0-9]{4,4}
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9]{4,4}" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
Max3Number- Liczba (typ prosty) |
Opis | Number (max 999) of objects represented as an integer. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=0
Liczba znaków=3 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="0" /> <xs:totalDigits value="3" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
NoReasonCode- Kod braku przyczyny (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies that there is no reason available. | ||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="NORE" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
OptionStyle7Code- Styl opcji (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies how an option for a derivative or securities derivative can be exercised. | ||||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="AMER" /> <xs:enumeration value="ASIA" /> <xs:enumeration value="BERM" /> <xs:enumeration value="EURO" /> <xs:enumeration value="OTHR" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
OptionType2Code- Kod typu opcji (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies whether it is a call option (right to purchase a specific underlying asset) or a put option (right to sell a specific underlying asset) or any other type of option. | ||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="CALL" /> <xs:enumeration value="PUTO" /> <xs:enumeration value="OTHR" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
PartyIdentification76__1- Identyfikacja strony (typ złożony) |
Opis | Set of elements used to identify a person or an organisation. |
składowe |
CtryOfBrnch{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Id" type="PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PartyIdentification76__1/Id- Identyfikacja (element) |
Opis | Identifies the owner of the investment account which is used to acquire or sell financial instruments. |
Typ | PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Id" type="PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1" /> |
PartyIdentification76__1/CtryOfBrnch- Kraj oddziału (element) |
Opis | Country of the branch that received the order from the client or made an investment decision for a client in accordance with a discretionary mandate given to it by the client. |
Typ | CountryCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
PartyIdentification79__1- Identyfikacja strony (typ złożony) |
Opis | Set of elements used to identify an account owner and the associated decision maker. |
składowe |
DcsnMakr{0,unbounded} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="AcctOwnr" type="PartyIdentification76__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> <xs:element name="DcsnMakr" type="PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PartyIdentification79__1/AcctOwnr- Właściciel konta (element) |
Opis | Identifies the account which is used to acquire or sell financial instruments. |
Typ | PartyIdentification76__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="AcctOwnr" type="PartyIdentification76__1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
PartyIdentification79__1/DcsnMakr- Podejmujący decyzję (element) |
Opis | Identifies the person who makes the decision on the financial instrument, acquire in case the of a buyer or to sell in case of the seller. |
Typ | PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="DcsnMakr" type="PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> |
PercentageRate- Wartośc procentowa (typ prosty) |
Opis | Rate expressed as a percentage, ie, in hundredths, eg, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent, and 7.0 is 7%. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:decimal |
Format | Liczba znaków po przecinku=10
Liczba znaków=11 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal" > <xs:fractionDigits value="10" /> <xs:totalDigits value="11" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
PersonIdentification10__1- Identyfikacja osoby (typ złożony) |
Opis | Unique and unambiguous way to identify a person. |
składowe |
Nm BirthDt Othr |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="FrstNm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="BirthDt" type="ISODate" /> <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PersonIdentification10__1/FrstNm- Imię (element) |
Opis | First name of a person (also known as given name). |
Typ | ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FrstNm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" /> |
PersonIdentification10__1/Nm- Nazwisko (element) |
Opis | Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. |
Typ | ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Nm" type="ESMA_EeaEuropeanAlphabetMax140_Pattern" /> |
PersonIdentification10__1/BirthDt- Data urodzenia (element) |
Opis | Date on which a person is born. |
Typ | ISODate |
Źródło | <xs:element name="BirthDt" type="ISODate" /> |
PersonIdentification10__1/Othr- Inne (element) |
Opis | Unique identification of a person, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. Usage: In the scope of MIFIR, the scheme name is restricted to a passport number (use of code CCPT), any other national identifier (use of code NIDN) or CONCAT (use of proprietary with value CONCAT). Issuer field will be ignored and should not be populated by reporting parties. |
Typ | GenericPersonIdentification1__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" /> |
PersonIdentification12__1- Identyfikacja osoby (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the identification of a person. |
składowe |
Othr |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" /> <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PersonIdentification12__1/CtryOfBrnch- Kraj oddziału (element) |
Opis | Branch where the trader is located. |
Typ | CountryCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" /> |
PersonIdentification12__1/Othr- Inne (element) |
Opis | Unique identification of a person, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme. Usage: In the scope of MIFIR, the scheme name is restricted to a passport number (use of code CCPT), any other national identifier (use of code NIDN) or CONCAT (use of proprietary with value CONCAT). Issuer field will be ignored and should not be populated by reporting parties. |
Typ | GenericPersonIdentification1__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Othr" type="GenericPersonIdentification1__1" /> |
PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1- Wybór schematu identyfikacji (typ złożony) |
Opis | Sets of elements to identify a name of the identification scheme. |
składowe |
Prtry |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Cd" type="ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ESMA_Concat_Pattern" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1/Cd- Kod (element) |
Opis | Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list. |
Typ | ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Cd" type="ESMA_NindCcpt_Pattern" /> |
PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice__1/Prtry- Dowolny tekst (element) |
Opis | Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form. |
Typ | ESMA_Concat_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Prtry" type="ESMA_Concat_Pattern" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1- Osoba lub instytucja (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the identification of a person or an organisation. |
składowe |
MIC Prsn Intl ShrtCd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="MIC" type="MICIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" /> <xs:element name="Intl" type="InternalPartyRole1Code" /> <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1/LEI- LEI (element) |
Opis | Legal entity identifier of the party. |
Typ | LEIIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1/MIC- MIC (element) |
Opis | Market identifier code of the party. |
Typ | MICIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="MIC" type="MICIdentifier" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1/Prsn- Ososba (element) |
Opis | Identification of a person. |
Typ | PersonIdentification10__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1/Intl- Wewnętrzna (internal party) (element) |
Opis | Identifies internal party. |
Typ | InternalPartyRole1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Intl" type="InternalPartyRole1Code" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation1Choice__1/ShrtCd- Short code (element) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | ShortCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1- Ososba / instytucja (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the identification of a person or an organisation. |
składowe |
Prsn ShrtCd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" /> <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/LEI- LEI (element) |
Opis | Legal entity identifier of the party. |
Typ | LEIIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/Prsn- Osoba (element) |
Opis | Identification of a person. |
Typ | PersonIdentification10__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Prsn" type="PersonIdentification10__1" /> |
PersonOrOrganisation2Choice__1/ShrtCd- Short code (element) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | ShortCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> |
PhysicalTransferType4Code- Typ transferu fizycznego (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the asset delivery type when the financial instrument is settled. | ||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="PHYS" /> <xs:enumeration value="OPTL" /> <xs:enumeration value="CASH" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
PlusOrMinusIndicator- Wskaźnik plus/minus (typ prosty) |
Opis | Indicates a positive or negative value. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:boolean |
Format | |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:boolean" > </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
PriceStatus1Code- Status ceny (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the status of the price of a financial instrument. | ||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="PNDG" /> <xs:enumeration value="NOAP" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
PriceStatus1Code__1- Status ceny (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the status of the price of a financial instrument. | ||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="PNDG" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
RateBasis1Code- Podstawa stawki (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies a rate basis. | ||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="DAYS" /> <xs:enumeration value="MNTH" /> <xs:enumeration value="WEEK" /> <xs:enumeration value="YEAR" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
RegulatoryTradingCapacity1Code- Kod Trading Capacity (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the regulatory trading capacity. | ||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="MTCH" /> <xs:enumeration value="DEAL" /> <xs:enumeration value="AOTC" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1- Typ transakcji (nowa / usunięcie) (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice between a new or a cancellation transaction. |
składowe |
Cxl |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="New" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1" /> <xs:element name="Cxl" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1/New- Nowa (element) |
Opis | Transaction is a newly reported transaction. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="New" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1" /> |
ReportingTransactionType1Choice__1/Cxl- Usunięcie (element) |
Opis | Transaction is a cancellation transaction. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Cxl" type="SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1" /> |
ReportingWaiverType1Code- (typ prosty) |
Opis | ReportingWaiverType1Code Specifies the type of regulatory reporting pre-trade waiver. | ||||||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="OILQ" /> <xs:enumeration value="NLIQ" /> <xs:enumeration value="PRIC" /> <xs:enumeration value="ILQD" /> <xs:enumeration value="RFPT" /> <xs:enumeration value="SIZE" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ReportingWaiverType3Code- (typ prosty) |
Opis | ReportingWaiverType3Code Specifies the type of regulatory reporting pre-trade waiver. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="BENC" /> <xs:enumeration value="ACTX" /> <xs:enumeration value="ILQD" /> <xs:enumeration value="SIZE" /> <xs:enumeration value="CANC" /> <xs:enumeration value="AMND" /> <xs:enumeration value="SDIV" /> <xs:enumeration value="RPRI" /> <xs:enumeration value="DUPL" /> <xs:enumeration value="LRGS" /> <xs:enumeration value="TNCP" /> <xs:enumeration value="TPAC" /> <xs:enumeration value="XFPH" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
ShortCode- Short code (typ prosty) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string |
Format | Min. długość=1
Maks. długość=16 |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:minLength value="1" /> <xs:maxLength value="16" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1- Szczegóły transakcji (typ złożony) |
Opis | Provides the details of the reported transaction. |
składowe |
TradgCpcty Qty DerivNtnlChng{0,1} Pric NetAmt{0,1} TradVn CtryOfBrnch{0,1} UpFrntPmt{0,1} TradPlcMtchgId{0,1} CmplxTradCmpntId{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="TradDt" type="ISONormalisedDateTime" /> <xs:element name="TradgCpcty" type="RegulatoryTradingCapacity1Code" /> <xs:element name="Qty" type="FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="DerivNtnlChng" type="VariationType1Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice" /> <xs:element name="NetAmt" type="ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="TradVn" type="MICIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="UpFrntPmt" type="AmountAndDirection53" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="TradPlcMtchgId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="CmplxTradCmpntId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/TradDt- Data transakcji (element) |
Opis | Specifies the date/time on which the trade was executed. |
Typ | ISONormalisedDateTime |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TradDt" type="ISONormalisedDateTime" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/TradgCpcty- Trading Capacity (element) |
Opis | Indication of whether the transaction results from the reporting firm carrying out matched principal trading under Article 4(38) of Directive 2014/65/EU or dealing on own account under Article 4(6) of Directive 2014/65/EU, or where the transaction does not result from the reporting firm carrying out matched principal trading or dealing on own account, the field shall indicate that the transaction was carried out under any other capacity. |
Typ | RegulatoryTradingCapacity1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TradgCpcty" type="RegulatoryTradingCapacity1Code" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/Qty- Wolumen (element) |
Opis | Number of units of the financial instrument, or the number of derivative contracts in the transaction. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Qty" type="FinancialInstrumentQuantity25Choice__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/DerivNtnlChng- Zmiana wartości nominalnej (element) |
Opis | Indicates as to whether an increase or a decrease of notional of derivative contracts has taken place. |
Typ | VariationType1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="DerivNtnlChng" type="VariationType1Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/Pric- Kurs (element) |
Opis | Traded price of the transaction excluding, where applicable, commission and accrued interest. In the case of option contracts, it is the premium of the derivative contract per underlying security or index point. In the case of spread bets it should be the reference price of the direct underlying instrument. Where price is currently not available but pending, the value should be ’PNDG’. For CDS it should be the coupon in basis points. Where price reported in monetary terms, it shall be provided in the major currency unit. Where price is not applicable the field should be left blank. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/NetAmt- Wartość netto (element) |
Opis | Net amount of the transaction means the cash amount which is paid by the buyer of the debt instrument upon the settlement of the transaction. |
Typ | ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount |
Źródło | <xs:element name="NetAmt" type="ImpliedCurrencyAndAmount" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/TradVn- kod rynku (element) |
Opis | Identification of the venue where the transaction was executed. Usage: Use the ISO 10383 segment MIC (4 characters) for financial instruments executed on a MiFID trading venue, System Internaliser (SI) or non-EU organised trading platform. Where the segment MIC does not exist, use the operating MIC. Use MIC code ‘XOFF’ for financial instruments admitted to trading or traded on a trading venue, where the transaction on that financial instrument is not executed on a MiFID trading venue, SI or non-EU organised trading platform, or where an investment firm does not know it is trading with another investment firm acting as an SI. Use MIC code ‘XXXX’ for financial instruments that are not admitted to trading or traded on a trading venue or for which no request for admission has been made and that are not traded on an non-EU organised trading platform but where the underlying is admitted to trading or traded on a trading venue. |
Typ | MICIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TradVn" type="MICIdentifier" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/CtryOfBrnch- Kraj oddziału (element) |
Opis | Country of the branch of the investment firm whose market membership was used to execute the transaction. TBC with item 46. |
Typ | CountryCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="CtryOfBrnch" type="CountryCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/UpFrntPmt- Zapłata z góry (element) |
Opis | Monetary value of any up-front payment in basis points of notional received or paid by the seller. Where the seller receives the up-front payment, the value populated is positive. Where the seller pays the up-front payment, the value populated is negative. For increase or decrease in notional derivative contracts, the number shall reflect the absolute value of the change and shall be expressed as a positive number. |
Typ | AmountAndDirection53 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="UpFrntPmt" type="AmountAndDirection53" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/TradPlcMtchgId- Identyfikator miejsca zawarcia transakcji (element) |
Opis | Common matching identification when executed on a trade place. Usage: Must be present when a trade venue has been provided. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TradPlcMtchgId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransaction1__1/CmplxTradCmpntId- Identyfikacja składowej transakcji złożonej (element) |
Opis | Identification, internal to the reporting party to identify all the reports related to the same execution of a combination of financial instruments. The code must be unique for the reporting party for the group of reports for the execution. Usage: Field only applies when the instrument is complex. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="CmplxTradCmpntId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericCapitalLettersMax35_Pattern" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1- Dodatkowe atrybuty transakcji (typ złożony) |
Opis | Provides additional indicators on the transaction. |
składowe |
ShrtSellgInd{0,1} OTCPstTradInd{0,13} RskRdcgTx{0,1} SctiesFincgTxInd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="WvrInd" type="ReportingWaiverType1Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6" /> <xs:element name="ShrtSellgInd" type="Side5Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="OTCPstTradInd" type="ReportingWaiverType3Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13" /> <xs:element name="RskRdcgTx" type="TrueFalseIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="SctiesFincgTxInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/WvrInd- Wkaźnik wyłączenia (element) |
Opis | Indicates whether the transaction was executed under a pre-trade waiver. |
Typ | ReportingWaiverType1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="WvrInd" type="ReportingWaiverType1Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/ShrtSellgInd- Wskaźnik krótkiej sprzedaży (element) |
Opis | Indicates a short sell concluded by the investment agent on its own accounts or on behalf of a client, as described in Article 10. |
Typ | Side5Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtSellgInd" type="Side5Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/OTCPstTradInd- Wskaźnik OTC Post trade (element) |
Opis | Indicates the type of transaction in accordance to Articles 20(3)(a) and 21(5)(a) of regulation (EU) 600/2014. |
Typ | ReportingWaiverType3Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OTCPstTradInd" type="ReportingWaiverType3Code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/RskRdcgTx- Transakcja ograniczjąca ryzyko (element) |
Opis | Indicates whether the transaction is objectively measurable as reducing risks directly relating to the commercial activity of the entity executing the transaction. |
Typ | TrueFalseIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="RskRdcgTx" type="TrueFalseIndicator" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1/SctiesFincgTxInd- Wskaźnik transakcji SFTR (element) |
Opis | Indicates whether the transaction falls within the scope of activity to be reported under the Securities Financing Transactions Regulation. |
Typ | TrueFalseIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SctiesFincgTxInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1- Kurs (typ złożony) |
Opis | Descriptive fields capturing where no strike price is known. |
składowe |
Ccy{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Pdg" type="PriceStatus1Code" /> <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1/Pdg- Oczekujący (element) |
Opis | Price is currently not available, but pending. |
Typ | PriceStatus1Code |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pdg" type="PriceStatus1Code" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1/Ccy- Kod waluty (element) |
Opis | Currency that will be used but for which no price is yet known. |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1- Kurs (typ złożony) |
Opis | Descriptive fields capturing where no strike price is known. |
składowe |
Ccy{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Pdg" type="PriceStatus1Code__1" /> <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1/Pdg- Oczekujący (element) |
Opis | Price is currently not available, but pending. |
Typ | PriceStatus1Code__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pdg" type="PriceStatus1Code__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1/Ccy- Kod waluty (element) |
Opis | Currency that will be used but for which no price is yet known. |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Ccy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice- Kurs (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice to define the price of the securities transaction. |
składowe |
Pctg Yld BsisPts |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="MntryVal" type="AmountAndDirection61" /> <xs:element name="Pctg" type="PercentageRate" /> <xs:element name="Yld" type="PercentageRate" /> <xs:element name="BsisPts" type="DecimalNumber" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice/MntryVal- Wartość monetarna (element) |
Opis | Price expressed as a monetary value. Usage: Within the scope of MiFIR, this element captures fields 31 and 32. |
Typ | AmountAndDirection61 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="MntryVal" type="AmountAndDirection61" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice/Pctg- Wartośc procentowa (element) |
Opis | Price expressed as a rate, that is a percentage. |
Typ | PercentageRate |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pctg" type="PercentageRate" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice/Yld- Stopa odsetkowa (element) |
Opis | Price expressed as a yield. |
Typ | PercentageRate |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Yld" type="PercentageRate" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice/BsisPts- Punkty bazowe (element) |
Opis | Price expressed as basis points |
Typ | DecimalNumber |
Źródło | <xs:element name="BsisPts" type="DecimalNumber" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice- Kurs (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice element capturing strike price related descriptive information. |
składowe |
NoPric |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice" /> <xs:element name="NoPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice/Pric- Kurs (element) |
Opis | Predetermined price at which the holder will have to buy or sell the underlying instrument. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice/NoPric- Brak kursu (element) |
Opis | Captures where no price is yet known. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="NoPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1- Kurs (typ złożony) |
Opis | Choice element capturing strike price related descriptive information. |
składowe |
NoPric |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice" /> <xs:element name="NoPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1/Pric- Kurs (element) |
Opis | Predetermined price at which the holder will have to buy or sell the underlying instrument. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Pric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice2Choice" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionPrice4Choice__1/NoPric- Brak kursu (element) |
Opis | Captures where no price is yet known. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="NoPric" type="SecuritiesTransactionPrice1__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1- Raport (typ złożony) |
Opis | Details of the securities transaction report. |
składowe |
ExctgPty SubmitgPty |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/TxId- Identyfikacja transakcji (element) |
Opis | Unique and unambiguous identification of the transaction. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/ExctgPty- Strona wykonujaca (element) |
Opis | Identification of the entity executing the transaction. Usage: For legal entities, use the legal entity identifier. For non-legal entities, this field shall be populated with an identifier as specified in Article 7 of this Regulation. |
Typ | LEIOrMemberIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport2__1/SubmitgPty- Strona przekazująca (element) |
Opis | Entity submitting the transaction report to the competent authority. |
Typ | LEIOrMemberIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1- Raport (typ złożony) |
Opis | Details of the securities transaction report. |
składowe |
ExctgPty InvstmtPtyInd SubmitgPty Buyr Sellr OrdrTrnsmssn Tx FinInstrm InvstmtDcsnPrsn{0,1} ExctgPrsn AddtlAttrbts |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="InvstmtPtyInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="Buyr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" /> <xs:element name="Sellr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" /> <xs:element name="OrdrTrnsmssn" type="SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2" /> <xs:element name="Tx" type="SecuritiesTransaction1__1" /> <xs:element name="FinInstrm" type="FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="InvstmtDcsnPrsn" type="InvestmentParty1Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="ExctgPrsn" type="ExecutingParty1Choice__1" /> <xs:element name="AddtlAttrbts" type="SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/TxId- Identyfikacja transakcji (element) |
Opis | Unique and unambiguous identification of the transaction. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TxId" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericMax52_Pattern" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/ExctgPty- Strona wykonująca (element) |
Opis | Identification of the entity executing the transaction. |
Typ | LEIOrMemberIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ExctgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/InvstmtPtyInd- Wskaźnik firmy inwestycyjnej (element) |
Opis | Indicates whether the reporting party is defined as an investment firm under the local regulation or not. |
Typ | TrueFalseIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="InvstmtPtyInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/SubmitgPty- Strona przekazująca (element) |
Opis | Entity submitting the transaction report to the competent authority. |
Typ | LEIOrMemberIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SubmitgPty" type="LEIOrMemberIdentifier" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Buyr- Kupujący (element) |
Opis | Identifies the acquirer of the legal title to the financial instrument. |
Typ | PartyIdentification79__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Buyr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Sellr- Sprzedający (element) |
Opis | Identifies the seller of the legal title to the financial instrument. |
Typ | PartyIdentification79__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Sellr" type="PartyIdentification79__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/OrdrTrnsmssn- Transfer zlecenia (element) |
Opis | Indication as to whether the transaction results from an order transmitted by the reporting of a client to a third party. Usage: Only applicable when the conditions for transmission are not satisfied. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="OrdrTrnsmssn" type="SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/Tx- Transakcja (element) |
Opis | Provides the details of the reported transaction. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransaction1__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Tx" type="SecuritiesTransaction1__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/FinInstrm- Instrument finansowy (element) |
Opis | Financial instrument representing a sum of rights of the investor vis-a-vis the issuer. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FinInstrm" type="FinancialInstrumentAttributes3Choice__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/InvstmtDcsnPrsn- Osoba podejmująca decyzję (element) |
Opis | Identifies the person or algorithm which is responsible within the reporting party for the investment decision. |
Typ | InvestmentParty1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="InvstmtDcsnPrsn" type="InvestmentParty1Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/ExctgPrsn- Ososba wykonująca (element) |
Opis | Person or algorithm responsible for the execution of the transaction. |
Typ | ExecutingParty1Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ExctgPrsn" type="ExecutingParty1Choice__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionReport4__1/AddtlAttrbts- Dodatkowe atrybuty (element) |
Opis | Provides additional indicators on the reported transaction. |
Typ | SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="AddtlAttrbts" type="SecuritiesTransactionIndicator2__1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2- Transfer transakcji (typ złożony) |
Opis | Specifies the securities order transmission attributes. |
składowe |
TrnsmttgBuyr{0,1} TrnsmttgSellr{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="TrnsmssnInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> <xs:element name="TrnsmttgBuyr" type="TransmittingParty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="TrnsmttgSellr" type="TransmittingParty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2/TrnsmssnInd- Wskaźnik transmisji (element) |
Opis | Indication as to whether the transaction results from an order transmitted by the reporting of a client to a third party. Usage: Only applicable when the conditions for transmission are not satisfied. |
Typ | TrueFalseIndicator |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TrnsmssnInd" type="TrueFalseIndicator" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2/TrnsmttgBuyr- Przekazujący kupujący (element) |
Opis | Identifies the buyer transmitting the order to the reporting firm. Usage: Only required for reporting firms reporting transactions on behalf of order transmitting firm. |
Typ | TransmittingParty |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TrnsmttgBuyr" type="TransmittingParty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecuritiesTransactionTransmission2/TrnsmttgSellr- Przekazujący sprzedający (element) |
Opis | Identifies the seller transmitting the order to the reporting firm. Usage: Only required for reporting firms reporting transactions on behalf of order transmitting firm. |
Typ | TransmittingParty |
Źródło | <xs:element name="TrnsmttgSellr" type="TransmittingParty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1- Opis instrumentu finansowego (typ złożony) |
Opis | Identifies the security instrument by its name and typical characteristics. |
składowe |
FullNm ClssfctnTp NtnlCcy{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="Id" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="FullNm" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern" /> <xs:element name="ClssfctnTp" type="CFIOct2015Identifier" /> <xs:element name="NtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1/Id- Identyfikator (element) |
Opis | Identifies the financial instrument using an ISIN. |
Typ | ISINOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Id" type="ISINOct2015Identifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1/FullNm- Nazwa pełna (element) |
Opis | Full name or description of the financial instrument. |
Typ | ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FullNm" type="ESMA_AlphaNumericAdditionalCharactersMax350_Pattern" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1/ClssfctnTp- Kod CFI (element) |
Opis | Classification type of the financial instrument, as per the ISO Classification of Financial Instrument (CFI) codification, that is common share with voting rights, fully paid, or registered. |
Typ | CFIOct2015Identifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ClssfctnTp" type="CFIOct2015Identifier" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1/NtnlCcy- Kod waluty (element) |
Opis | Currency in which the notional is denominated. Usage: Within MiFIR, in the case of an interest rate or currency derivative contract, this will be the notional currency of leg 1 or the currency 1 of the pair. Within MiFIR, in the case of swaptions where the underlying swap is single-currency, this will be the notional currency of the underlying swap. For swaptions where the underlying is multi-currency, this will be the notional currency of leg 1 of the swap. |
Typ | ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="NtnlCcy" type="ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1- Opis instrumentu (typ złożony) |
Opis | Identifies the security instrument by its name and typical characteristics. |
składowe |
DebtInstrmAttrbts{0,1} DerivInstrmAttrbts |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="FinInstrmGnlAttrbts" type="SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1" /> <xs:element name="DebtInstrmAttrbts" type="DebtInstrument4" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="DerivInstrmAttrbts" type="DerivativeInstrument6__1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1/FinInstrmGnlAttrbts- Atrybuty instrumentu finansowego (element) |
Opis | Attributes and characteristics of the financial instrument. |
Typ | SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="FinInstrmGnlAttrbts" type="SecurityInstrumentDescription11__1" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1/DebtInstrmAttrbts- Atrybuty instrumentu dłużnego (element) |
Opis | Attributes specific to debt instruments. |
Typ | DebtInstrument4 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="DebtInstrmAttrbts" type="DebtInstrument4" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SecurityInstrumentDescription13__1/DerivInstrmAttrbts- Atrybuty instrumentu pochodnego (element) |
Opis | Attributes specific to derivative instruments. |
Typ | DerivativeInstrument6__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="DerivInstrmAttrbts" type="DerivativeInstrument6__1" /> |
Side5Code- Strona (typ prosty) |
Opis | Side taken by a party on an order. | ||||||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="SESH" /> <xs:enumeration value="SELL" /> <xs:enumeration value="SSEX" /> <xs:enumeration value="UNDI" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
SwapLegIdentification2__1- Identyfikacja SWAP (typ złożony) |
Opis | Details of the legs of swap transaction. |
składowe |
SwpOut{0,1} |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:element name="SwpIn" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> <xs:element name="SwpOut" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
SwapLegIdentification2__1/SwpIn- Swap in (element) |
Opis | Instrument received by the buyer. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SwpIn" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
SwapLegIdentification2__1/SwpOut- Swap out (element) |
Opis | Instrument paid by the buyer. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="SwpOut" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" /> |
TransmittingParty- Przekazujący (typ złożony) |
Opis | Details of transmitting party. |
składowe |
ShrtCd |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
TransmittingParty/LEI- LEI (element) |
Opis | Legal entity identifier of the party. |
Typ | LEIIdentifier |
Źródło | <xs:element name="LEI" type="LEIIdentifier" /> |
TransmittingParty/ShrtCd- Short code (element) |
Opis | Short code |
Typ | ShortCode |
Źródło | <xs:element name="ShrtCd" type="ShortCode" /> |
TrueFalseIndicator- Wskaźnik prawda/fałsz (typ prosty) |
Opis | A flag indicating a True or False value. |
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:boolean |
Format | |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:boolean" > </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |
UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1- Identyfikator (typ złożony) |
Opis | Details of the underlying of a security transaction. |
składowe |
Othr |
Źródło |
<xs:sequence > <xs:choice > <xs:element name="Swp" type="SwapLegIdentification2__1" /> <xs:element name="Othr" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" /> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> |
UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1/Swp- Swap (element) |
Opis | Underlying of a swap transaction. |
Typ | SwapLegIdentification2__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Swp" type="SwapLegIdentification2__1" /> |
UnderlyingIdentification2Choice__1/Othr- Inne (element) |
Opis | Underlying of any other type of transaction. |
Typ | FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1 |
Źródło | <xs:element name="Othr" type="FinancialInstrumentIdentification7Choice__1" /> |
VariationType1Code- Rodzaj odchylenia (typ prosty) |
Opis | Specifies the type of variation. | ||||||
Typ | Pochodna typu: xs:string | ||||||
Format |
Źródło |
<xs:restriction base="xs:string" > <xs:enumeration value="DECR" /> <xs:enumeration value="INCR" /> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> |